Physical and Built Enviroment
The built and physical environment* can be defined as the environments in which we work, play, and live. The Martha’s Vineyard towns are connected through a comprehensive bus system administered by the Vineyard Transport Authority (VTA) with bike paths also woven throughout the town centers and outer neighborhoods. While several publicly available transportation and outdoor recreational options exist, due to the island’s geography, many residents experience unequal access to resources influenced by the physical and built environment. Additionally, many homes are located down unpaved roads making accessibility difficult day-to-day and during weather emergencies for seniors and people living with disabilities. Notably the Steamship Authority (SSA) provides vital access to the mainland; however, residents must still cope with higher costs for nutrient-dense food, gasoline, and travel for necessary supplies and resources only available off-island. To learn how the built and physical environment affects the day-to-day health of Islanders, visit the following links (pages?) to learn more.