We are a coalition of community members, public officials, health practitioners, and health organizations whose mission it is to identify critical unmet needs and seek ways to address them. Founded by the Dukes County Commissioners, we promote community-wide health and wellness through the development of a cooperative, integrated health care network and through public education. For those interested in serving on the Council, a volunteer application may be found on the following link.
Kathleen Samways, CO-CHAIR, Chief Public Health Officer, Island Health Care
Leslie Clapp, CO-CHAIR, Executive Director, MV Center for Living
Robert Laskowski, MD, TREASURER, SECRETARY, Healthy Aging, MV, Health Information Committee​​​
​Richard Cohen, Associate Commissioner for the Disabled and for Youth
Cindy Doyle, Consumer, MV Youth Task Force &Healthy Aging MV
Betsy Edge, Counselor, Health Imperatives, Family Planning
Beth Folcarelli, Director, Martha's Vineyard Community Services
Marcy Holmes, NP, Martha's Vineyard Hospital & Family Planning Clinic
Lewis Laskaris, Consumer, Retired Pharmacist
Marina Lent, Health Agent, Town of Aquinnah
​Theresa Manning, Coordinator, MV Youth Task Force
Paddy Moore, Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard, Rural Scholars
Lisa Nagy, MD, Environmental Health Center of Martha's Vineyard
Chantale Patterson, Clinical Director, Hospice of Martha's Vineyard
Dan Pesch, OBGYN MD, Quality Control, Martha's Vineyard Hospital & Rural Scholars
Susan Sanford, Director, Vineyard Complimentary Medicine
Sheryl Taylor, Health Education Coordinator, MVPS
Cindy Trish, Executive Director, Healthy Aging MV
Martina Thornton, County Manager, Dukes County
Christine Todd, County Commissioner, Dukes County
Mary Jane Williams, RN, Consumer
Jim Wolff, MD, Chief Medical Director, Island Health Care